Do you remember MySpace? It was the leading social media company in the 2000s, and now, no one even talks about it!

That’s the thing about social platforms; they don’t stay the same. And this is why you need a flexible social media strategy for your business to take it to the next level and make the most out of current and expected trends on social media.

Target the right platform.

In 2021, Instagram was the fastest-growing medium for businesses to market their products. But the tables seem to turn now that TikTok boasts over 1 billion active users, after a 45% increase since the start of 2021! Its potential has not been untapped to the full by businesses yet, so 2022 could bring many more opportunities.

Micro-influencers make the difference!

Gone is the time when people looked at high-key celebrities in awe and wanted to copy all that they did!

Gen Z is more interested in social media influencers that have a lifestyle similar to theirs. The more relatable they sound, the more loyal their community is.

The tip to successful social media marketing for the upcoming days is to look for micro-influencers with a following of around 100k and partner with them to promote your brand. This way, you’ll hit an audience that is genuinely interested in your service.

Plan your content

Let’s get this straight; your social media cannot thrive in 2022 if you don’t have a rough idea of what your content should look like.

The best way to plan your social presence is to make a content calendar, which includes the outline of your social media posts and also the schedule of when to post them.

Collect the demographics of your target public, and find the best times of the week they’re most active. Upload your content consistently and at the scheduled time.

Besides, social media users have started to show more interest in live content than in edited and photoshopped photos and videos that make it to your profile. 2022 is expected to be an excellent year for those who focus on live videos and regularly updated stories that last only for a day.

Do a social media audit every month!

Human interest changes very rapidly. What interests your viewers today does not guarantee that it will satisfy them tomorrow too. So it’s crucial to keep a check on what’s working for your following and what’s not.

Create engaging content, be it emotional or entertaining, and see what brings the best results. Google Analytics and social media metrics trackers can give an excellent idea of your audience’s engagement with your posts.

If one type of delivering your idea doesn’t work, improvise and try another. Do not hesitate to try out the new features creatively.

Set SMART Goals.

SMART is an anagram for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. The ultimate aim of your social media strategy is to generate more sales and grow your business beyond limits.

Be specific in what you want to achieve. Instead of thinking, ‘I want to increase my reach,’ think of something more clear like ‘I have to get 1000 new followers on each of my social media profiles by the end of this month!

A measurable plan gives you way more satisfaction than that which cannot be measured. You can aim to increase your brand’s awareness, but you won’t be able to measure how successful you were. But you can track how many people are liking your posts and set a goal for yourself to increase it, in turn, raising your brand awareness.

The goals should be attainable. There’s no point in setting resolutions like you will change the world this year. Business success depends on small accomplishments that together make a difference.

Your primary focus should be to create relevant content that helps you drive traffic to your business website. Hence, relevant goals count. Getting fake social media is useless if you’re not getting your target public’s response.

Plans that are time-bound produce crazy results because the pressure of meeting deadlines keeps you going.

In a nutshell, you should craft your social media strategy for 2022 well after looking into the trends that dominate mainstream media and then focusing on creating quality content that satisfies their current interests.